First Trimester Running

Running during my first trimester of pregnancy has been… interesting to put it mildly and downright difficult to be straightforward.
Holy Shit!

On December 17 I ran a 5K. [Come Run With Santa 5K]  I was still running pretty regularly at that time.  I had just found out a few days before that race that I was expecting.  I still wasn’t feeling that ill though.  Just a little “wonky,” which is really the only way I can think to describe it.  I didn’t run my fastest, or even what I know I’m typically capable of… but it was okay.  (I even got 3rd in my age group, LOL!)

Shortly after that though I started feeling queasy.  And a few days after that I was struck with a pregnancy-caused UTI.  That was the real start of my downward spiral.

At the end of the Team Challenge season, my goal was to do 3 half-marathons in 6 weeks during January and the beginning of February.  I hadn’t registered, I was going to sign up on the day that I was brought to a screeching halt with that UTI.  I guess it was a good thing, because then I didn’t waste money on half marathons I wouldn’t have the energy to complete.

I tried to keep up with a workout schedule, doing either a strength workout or a run after work on weekdays.  But after each of those workouts I was even more queasy and tired, and by the weekend I was basically worthless.  I could hardly motivate myself to get out of pajamas I was so tired.  I had to give myself permission to rest more.

I ran another 5K during this time, on January 21. [Chefs for Kids 5K] In order to be able to have energy to do that race, I rested all week.  You hear that?  I had to TAPER all week just to have energy to run a 5K!  And the moment I started to run, my breathing felt very labored, like I was having a continual asthma attack throughout the race.  It was a little bit slower than the earlier 5K, but I still came in under 30 minutes which pleased me.  That was one of the first moments that I felt truly hungry in pregnancy… they had pancakes after and I felt like I could have scarfed down about 20.  However, they were running behind because their grills had blown out, so it wouldn’t have been appropriate to eat all of those!  Plus, I started feeling queasy again about 30 minutes after that so I’m glad I didn’t have a gut full of pancakes.

And since that race? I haven’t hardly run at all.  I have been walking regularly.  On a few of those walks with Jade, we’ve run a block and then walked a few, trying to intersperse some running.  I’ve run barefoot on my treadmill a couple of times for a few minutes.  But overall, I’m not running much because I have felt crummy physically.

I had nausea and terrible heartburn. Those don’t really play well with running.  My latest symptom is that my breathing feels labored all the time.  At my appointment yesterday, my midwife said that some women with asthma get better with pregnancy, some stay the same and some get worse… and it looks like I’m in the “worse” camp.

But as of today I am officially in my 2nd trimester.  I’m hoping that my energy increases and that some of the other physical ailments ease up.  Everyone tells me that will happen… I’m hoping that holds true for me.

Also at my appointment yesterday I had an ultrasound, part of their testing for down syndrome.  The ultrasound was kind of cool because it actually looks like a little baby in there.  My first ultrasound just looked like a blob.  This ultrasound showed a clear outline of a face:
Last Day of 1st Trimester

and feet:
Last Day of 1st Trimester

and thumbsucking:
Last Day of 1st Trimester

And those kind of blew my mind a little.


  1. I really hope things ease up for you in this trimester! Have you been able to keep up with doing yoga? I didn’t do much in my first trimester, like you said, but did quite a bit of low-intensity yoga the 2nd & 3rd trimesters of my 2nd pregnancy. It was great for me, I experienced much less leg cramping and back pain as my belly grew than in my first pregnancy. Isn’t as hard on your breathing either.

    The ultrasound pics made me smile. 🙂

  2. Don’t worry about running right now. Remember that your body is working so much harder than a non-pregnant person. I wish I had advice etc. for you, but I didn’t start running until AFTER I had my kids. I never ran during pregnancy, only yoga. But I know how tired you can get. Yes, you’ll get more energy, but every once in a while it will just hit you. Just be sure to listen to your body. It is all about perceived exertion. If you feel tired, go with it. Give yourself permission to nap.

    I love ultrasound pictures too! Yippee!

  3. I’m not a runner, but I did work out religiously with baby 1 and baby 4 (hey, don’t bug me about the other 2 lol). It is possible to continue workouts, but you do have to listen to your body and take it easier. I think every little bit helps from yoga to just walks around the block with Jade. Eventually you’ll feel the energy to run, but don’t expect it to happen just because you’re officially in the 2nd trimester. It will be gradual, but it will be better.

    Have to agree though, I love the ultrasound pics. I kept saying “ahh how cute”. The profile pics are always my favorite, love the little nose.

  4. Don’t worry about the fatigue or nausea – just go with your body. Once you get into the 2nd trimester you’ll feel way better! I’ve been posting about my running too. I’m now 21 weeks and getting ready to run a 10K! I call these posts my “Prego Ego Diaries!” Maybe we can keep each other motivated! Looking forward to reading more of your journey!

  5. My first trimester was terrible – I felt exhausted and nauseated the entire time. The second trimester, however, was great, and I ran through 7 months, and stopped just because carrying the extra weight was getting to be a drag (that and constantly having to stop to pee;). I just ran until I felt it was time to stop. Then I just started taking long easy walks while having long conversations with my tummy. I kept rock climbing up until one week from my due date (wanted to make it all the way). Listen to your body and your desire, and do what you want to do. Once I let go of all the bogus expectations I set for myself, I actually really enjoyed being pregnant and relaxed about the whole thing.

  6. Those pictures just bring tears to my eyes. I think they’re going up on the picture wall!

    I want to thank all or the wonderful women who have given my daughter such amazing support. It breaks my heart when she is struggling, and really warms that same heart to read all of your loving responses. Love and Thanks to each of you!!

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