Running Gear Essentials

Running is the easiest sport to get started with, all you need is a pair of shoes. Right? 

Well… not exactly. I mean, it is expected that you should have clothes too. And sure, it doesn’t have to be the most expensive athletic gear on the market, but running in jeans isn’t going to be the most comfortable approach. 

Cartoon from Gone For a Run

As I’ve been running over the years, my necessities have changed. But here are the bare fundamentals:


Obviously… running shoes are needed. Yes, some people run in sandals or barefoot but that isn’t going to work for the vast majority of people. Get yourself fit for a pair of good running shoes and start there. You don’t have to buy the most expensive styles, but you also shouldn’t cheap out on them. 

Tweet where I suggested that running shoes that only cost $2.49 are not going to be good.

Sweat Wicking Clothing and Socks

You will be the most comfortable in clothing that is designed to wick sweat away from your body. Cotton holds on to moisture and that can lead to chafing. You’ll want multiple layers if it’s cold where you live. You can use any hoodie or jacket you may have if the layers next to your skin are wicking, but they do make running/athletic-specific sweatshirts too. And don’t forget about the socks… you want the sweat to be wicked away from your feet too. Blisters ruin the run. 

Sports Bra

Okay, this one is probably not a necessity for everyone. Some people are much more endowed than others… but if you have breasts, you probably want a sports bra for running. If you question that at all, just google some studies about how many directions breasts can move while in motion. It’s kind of crazy. 

Bonus Items

The aforementioned really are pretty much the basics to start running. After those you can start getting into some of the more fun-to-have items that start to feel like necessities the longer you run. For me, my favorites are:

  • GPS Watch: Even if you don’t log every mile, watches can help you see improvement in your pace or distance. Some even let you upload a planned route so it will help lead you on your way. 
  • Bags/Waist Packs: I feel like taking my phone with me is necessary for safety reasons. On the flip side of that, I don’t like holding it in my hand because that doesn’t seem safe either. A way to keep your phone on your person is an added bonus. 
  • Wireless Earbuds: Okay, if you’re carrying your phone with you already you can now use it to listen to music, podcasts, and audiobooks. Just keep one ear open to the world so you can be aware of what is happening around you. 
  • Sunglasses: Protect your eyes! They’re important and you only get one set. 

If you are a newer runner, what items have you found that you like? If you are a seasoned running, what are some of the quirky things that have become essentials for you? 

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