Recommitted and it Feels So Good…

Today I had to submit my recommittment paperwork to my local chapter of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, affirming that I am going through with this marathon and will finish the fundraising. This marks the time when arrangements will be made for entry to the race, travel, etc.

This is also supposedly the time we’re supposed to get the remainder of our training schedule, although somehow I ended up with the full training schedule right from the beginning. Unfortunately it seems there are people that try to sign-up to get a proven training program and access to coaches without being committed to doing the fundraising. They bail after a while once they’ve got the information they were after.

I admit, the fundraising is a little hard and intimidating at times. I’m nearly to the point of starting to sell some kind of product to raise money. Tupperware, here I come! 😉 I do not want to fall short of my goal. But I absolutely would never lie and say that I’m going to raise the money, trying to abuse a non-profit program for my own advantage. That’s just sooooo wrong!

I’ll keep persevering. Somehow, I will make it!

Today’s Run:
Last night, I was exhausted. I was kind of grumpy about going to bed early so I could get up and run. It wasn’t really that early (9:00) and I was so tired I probably needed to go to bed anyway. The alarm went off, I resisted the impulse to throw it across the room and managed to drag myself out of bed. I got dressed and was out the door. Once I was out running, I felt pretty good and was glad I made the effort to get out there… for about 20 minutes. 20 minutes left on the run, my stomach started churning and I knew this wasn’t going to end well. So, the good news was that I clocked my fasted mile time today. The bad news was that I probably ran that fast in my haste to get home before getting sick on the side of the road. Yeah, it wasn’t a great start of the day.

Hundred Push-up Challenge:
I am ashamed to admit that I completely forgot to do my push-ups last week. Slipped my mind. I think the lack of sleep is getting to me! I was at my local Fleet Feet store on Saturday afternoon and they asked me how the push-ups were going. Ooops! Thanks for the reminder! So I just picked up today with the always brutal Week 5 of the schedule. And it felt even harder than all of my repeated attempts. Maybe I’m not meant to progress beyond this point. I wouldn’t feel too bad if I peaked here, I don’t know that I want too bulky of a physique!
Week 5, Day 1: 30, 24, 22, 20, 30 = 126


  1. You WILL make your fundraising minimum… YOU WILL! Just keep working, keep reminding people that you are close to your goal and you need their support to pass the mark.

    You are kicking so much ass! I am SO PROUD of you when I see you as our ships cross paths. “I KNOW HER! That’s my friend Jill!!”

    It’s okay if one morning is a bummer.

    Last Saturday (as I peddled past you 🙂 , I COULD NOT get into a groove on my bike. My legs were killing me the entire time, I had zero energy… and a week before I was tackling Red Rock? I just chalked it up to an off day.

    Over lunch, Chuck said that only one person recommitted for San Antonio… I chimed in and said it was YOU. So I think we’ll be blending workouts until your race. I’ll be poking along, running my 12 minute mile, and you’ll pass me 😉

    That’s really funny that you have the entire training schedule! Because you are totally right… they don’t give you the whole enchilada until recommitment. Either way, it wasn’t lost on you. You are totally committed and you’re serving the cause well.

    Can I write a longer novel?

    What else can I add?


  2. Um… just that you are doing that many push ups is AMAZING! and I totally understand about the ‘bulky’ physique… Sorry, I don’t want to look like a boy! 🙂

  3. LVGurl: I know I e-mailed you, but I just wanted to publicly thank you for your encouragement. It really brightened my day! Thank you!

    Danica: I hear you, I don’t want to look like a boy either!

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