Giveaway! Nathan Hydration Vest!

3/21/11 Edit: This contest is now closed.

I’m excited about this giveaway! contacted me and offered to work out a giveaway for my audience.  The cool thing is that I got to pick what we’re giving away.  So after perusing their site… I decided I wanted to give away something that I actually use, something that I had picked on my own, got it at Fleet Feet with my own hard-earned dollars and have put it through the paces so that it is even stained with my own blood.

Nathan Intensity Race Vest
Nathan Intensity Race Vest

A Nathan Intensity Race Vest
A hydration backpack that’s built for the female endurance athlete.
Go read my review, you’ll know that you want one too!

And because of you have a chance to win one of your own. is a shopping search engine for everything from outdoor gear, apparel to golf clubs.

Entering is really simple. No weird hoops to jump or anyone to “Like”… let’s keep this basic!

Leave a comment on this post!

If you want to earn an additional entry, tweet about the post using the following text:
I’m entering to win a Nathan Intensity Hydration Race Vest from @jillwillrun –

This contest will be open for 2 weeks, that means that no entries can be submit after March 20, 2011.  The contest is limited to US & Canadian residents as well.

So please, enter and spread the word! This is a pretty cool prize!

3/21/11 Edit: This contest is now closed.


  1. This is a great giveaway, Jill! I’ve always wanted a hydration vest or backpack and have never really had the disposable income to get one. I just always find that my fuel belt doesn’t hold quite enough water for those longer runs, and can be a little unwieldy at times.

  2. Wow! Great give-away! I’ve had my eye on one too and will need one for 1/2 marathon training this summer.

  3. Hey Jill, you know I’m a big fan of these kinds of vests, that is a really nice giveaway they allowed you! Don’t know what I would do without mine when running more than 8 miles.

  4. Great giveaway, I have always wanted one of these vests for long runs in hot temps when I can’t possibly hold all the water I need. I also tweeted (I’m @manicdefense)…

  5. Very awesome giveaway! And I love that there isn’t anyone or anything to “like.” Lately it feels like Facebook is eating my internet.

  6. I’ve always wanted to try the Nathan’s vest!!! How cool and what a great giveaway!!!! maybe I’ll be the lucky one!

  7. I currently use a small Camelback for my hydration needs during longer runs, but this vest looks pretty nifty. Thanks!

  8. I’ve never used a hydration vest – I’ve always been curious, just have never purchased one. This would be great!

  9. OOOH! I would LOVE this, especially in the summer. I like my Nathan fuel belt, but sometimes I feel like it gets in the way…

  10. Sweet! I’m pretty sure your review is what made me get mine in the first place. I’d love a new one because they’ve made some updates since I bought mine – and I love the new green colour! Linked this contest to my sidebar @ even though it doesn’t get me an extra entry…

  11. Fantastic giveaway and love the fact you have chosen something you use and really enjoy.

  12. I’d love to try one of these! I’ve always wondered If they work and currently just carry a water bottle in my hand!

  13. I’m needing one of these for my first year of some really long trail runs. I would love to try this one.

  14. This is such a great giveaway. Now that I’m running trails, this would be so helpful. And, I am a big Nayhan fan. Love your blog!

  15. I have had this hydration vest on my wish list for some time now! Very cool giveaway!!!

  16. Thank you for the easy contest entry! I have wanted one of these vests for awhile but just haven’t forked out the $$!!

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