Nutrition Review: Amazing Grass

A lot of the American population doesn’t get enough fruits or vegetables in their daily diets. I really enjoy produce, but I know there are days that I just don’t get as many veggies in as I would like, especially when traveling. As much as I love fresh produce, I recently decided to incorporate green food products in my diet to help cover my bases.

I was really excited to try the Amazing Grass line of products because they have a HUGE variety of ways to ingest these greenfoods. With the exception of the wheat grass (which is just pure, straight wheat grass) the entire line has their green superfood blend, which includes: wheat grass, barley grass, alfalfa, spinach, broccoli, acai, beet, carrot, pineapple, etc. All of these items have health benefits such as: antioxidants, probiotics, vitamins, minerals.

The Amazing Grass product line-up, as well as the Amazing Grass shaker cups.
The Amazing Grass product line-up, as well as the Amazing Grass shaker cups.

The benefit of using a product in this form instead of just popping a multi is these are real WHOLE foods. The human body is more able to digest and absorb the valuable nutrition found in these when it comes from a legitimate food source as opposed to being manufactured in a factory.

I’ll be honest with you, they may take a little bit of time to get used to consuming. Your first encounter may not be enjoyable, especially if you are (like my husband) not used to consuming a large variety of vegetables. But over time, you may find that you actually crave a morning dose of greenfoods. I do now and I know there are a lot of super-endurance athletes out there who do too. (I won’t mention names in this post, since those people have their own product lines they endorse…)

Drink your Greens!
Drink your Greens!

Plus it’s nice to feel like you are consuming something that is soooo good for you. If you get up in the morning, get in a run then drink some greens, you’ve already accomplished more than a huge percentage of the population BEFORE your work day has even started!

One of the best ways to incorporate these is in a smoothie. I LOVE daily Green Monster smoothies: a mix of unsweetened almond milk, soy milk, spinach, banana, ice and one of the Amazing Grass powders. The chocolate or berry flavors of Green Superfood adds a nice touch of flavor to the smoothie.

Smoothie - made with spinach, almond & soy milk, banana and Green Superfood
Smoothie - made with spinach, almond & soy milk, banana and Green Superfood

The Amazing Meal powder is similar to the Green Superfood except it has some good plant-based proteins added (hemp and rice protein). This makes it a little more calorically dense, thus the designation as a “meal” component. It comes in original, pomegranate-mango and chocolate flavors… all of which are yummy added into a smoothie.

They make an energy bar too, one that is plain and one that is coated in chocolate. It’s kind of like a Larabar, but with a grassier texture and taste. I wasn’t sure the first time I tried one, but I found that I liked them after having them a few times. My husband wasn’t as convinced. After one bite he said, “That’s nasty ass… it’s like what I would imagine eating hay is like.” I don’t think he’ll be trying them again. My preference would be to go with a Larabar and to drink my greens, but this does provide the combination of greens and a roughly 220 calorie snack/mini-meal in one.

Chocolate covered energy bar, full of green goodness
Chocolate covered energy bar, full of green goodness

Overall, I was impressed with the Amazing Grass line-up. They make a Kidz Superfood powder with cocoa in it which tastes delicious shaken up with some soy or almond milk (or cow’s milk, but I don’t drink that). The products are kind of expensive, but they’re good for you and they mix into things really well. They have a really good deal on a sample pack so you can try a variety of products without breaking the bank. I’m slightly obsessed with the chocolate products and will be purchasing more of those.


  1. Might need to give this a try. I was told I need at least 12 servings of veggies a day. I always have a hard time hitting that number.

    Do they have a good number of carbs? That is another problem I have–not getting enough carbs.

  2. I think I was with you up until you got to the energy bar, and then I read your husband’s review. My husband laughed out loud too when he heard me read it aloud and then saw the picture!

    I have been eating the green vitamins that the Hammer Nutrition folks put out, and those aren’t too bad. Thanks for the review though, maybe I could do the shakes, not sure.

  3. hahaha. i love hubs’ comment. the ‘grassy’ taste doesn’t really sell me but i know these foods are good for you (and your body needs them). i might have to add my own chocolate dipping sauce but i think i could manage. i think i could def do the shake – well with a few ingredient changes for my allergies. actually, i wonder if allergies to every-single-pollen/etc would be trigged by these foods? just a random thought, lol. i’d still give the shake a whirl.

    • That’s an interesting thought, the pollen allergies. I am allergic to pollens, but these haven’t affected me. But I would imagine if someone is super-sensitive it could probably be a stronger issue… Hmm…

    • Did you ever try this? I am curious since I am allergic to all pollens-grass, tree, mold, etc. I really want to try it since it’s healthy but I am nervous about it since I am so allergic.

      • Yes, I tried the Amazing Grass products. I like them a lot. If you’re highly allergic to those items, I’m not sure how it would be for you. But I break out in a rash if I sit on grass and I develop a runny nose, watery eyes, etc. from pollens and mold gives me asthma attacks… but I’ve had no reactions to the Amazing Grass products like those.

        • I just tried the Amazing Grass Amazing Meal for a few days (“chocolate infusion” flavor). At first I got a stuffy nose, but wasn’t sure if the Amazing Meal was causing it. After maybe 3 days’ use I developed, on top of the stuffy nose: sneezing, itchy eyes, and a swollen, irritated throat. I immediately stopped using the product, but a few hours later I had a pounding headache and tons of mucous coming out of my sinuses. I ended up in bed for two days feeling miserable, endlessly blowing my nose, with the headache pounding away for the full two days. I’m starting to function again but still have significant sinus congestion. I also missed a couple days of work which I couldn’t afford to do.

  4. Ooh, thanks so much for the review! I have been trying to figure out a way to get more veggies without having a bunch of stuff end up rotting in my fridge! I’ll definitely have to try this stuff out!

  5. You are so right in saying that it’s nice to feel like you are consuming something that is so good for you. I eat a lot of green leafy vegetables on daily basis and love to start my day with a shot of wheat grass to ensure that the digestive enzymes are ready to kick into yet another day. However I never heard of this line of products! I am so keen to try out all of their stuff and particularly the Amazing Meal Powder. I am a big fan of hemp protein and I usually add a scoop or two to my post workout shakes. Thanks for the tip on the sample pack; I cannot wait to try it out! Thanks for sharing!

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