Week in Re/Preview

Three walks this week, that was about the extent of what I could handle.

Daily Mile - 6/25/12 to 7/1/12
Daily Mile - 6/25/2012 to 7/1/2012

Breathing has been absolutely awful this week. Gasping for air all the time makes getting exercise rather difficult. Combined with the heat and the fact that I basically am carrying a little portable heater around all the time (pregnant belly), exercise gets really hard. Add in swollen left foot at the end of each day and aching/popping hips all the time… let’s just admit that I’m damn uncomfortable! 🙂

  • Monday: Early morning walk without Jade The Boxer, because I had to wait until 7 AM to pick her up from being boarded during our trip to Colorado. I can’t wait to get out for too long, it is usually around 80 at 5:30 AM.
  • Wednesday: Walk with Jade.
  • Friday: Walk with Jade.
  • Saturday: A baby shower at the house! I stood way too much during this event, my foot swelled up mightily that evening and I felt it in my feet and legs the next morning!
  • Sunday:Went to tour the maternity unit at the hospital. The promise was a tour and explanation of the services as well as pre-registration. Well, the “tour” was about 6 minutes: “Here’s the labor/delivery room… all of the rooms look like this. Here’s the postpartum recovery room, everyone gets their own room. That’s it.” When I asked about registration the woman leading the tour said they don’t do that on the tour and that it really doesn’t matter, you can just show up when you’re in labor and your husband can take care of the paperwork.Of course, given that my husband would probably sit there and ask me questions about everything related to insurance while I’m in labor, I decided to fill out the convoluted pre-registration form online. It asks all kinds of stupid questions, like what time I anticipate arriving on what date.

This week I’m hoping to walk on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, while dreaming of the day that I can run again. I fully intend to stretch everyday (which I have been doing, else I would probably be even more uncomfortable!). I am kind of tempted to see how much it costs to get in the YMCA pool, but I would want to pool run if I did that. I don’t have a waist flotation belt and wouldn’t be able to wear one anyway. I don’t think I could swim laps… I’m not sure I know how to do that now. I need swim lessons to re-learn how to swim for real! Plus I’d just feel really self-conscious at a pool right now.

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